American Free Press is the preeminent alternative, independent news source
for honest, hardworking, truth-loving Americans. It’s one of those
alternative news sources that delivers unbiased information that you will
rarely find in mass media. We have a team of hard working journalists that
cover uncensored stories, hidden from the public. AFP is the independent
newspaper that you’ll want by your side each week if you want to know the
AFP is the antithesis of the controlled mainstream press. AFP is employee
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websites and magazines, and now all of our weekly publications are
available via mobile apps.
AFP covers the stories and tells the truths that the mainstream is,
frankly, scared to touch. From the real cause of Middle East strife to the
common sense solutions to our money problems here at home to the real-life
conspiracies of politics and government, AFP offers real, on-the-scene
reporting and commentary.
- uncensored, unbiased, real news and stories
- alternative news source, antithesis of controlled and sponsored
mainstream press
- up to date relevant news with on-the-scene reporting and commentary
- unseen news from independent news sources
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